Mollot & Hardy Resources

Should I Accept a Free Credit Lock?

In today’s increasingly connected world, protecting your information is arguably more important than ever. Your credit report consists of a slew of personal details, such as your financial activity, credit accounts, loans, and payment history. Because…
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Global vs. International: What’s the Difference?

With international stock markets comprising about 41.6 percent of the world’s capitalization as of 2022, a broad range of investment opportunities exist outside the borders of the U.S.1 For investors who are looking to diversify their…
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Inflation & Your Money

“If the current annual inflation rate is 3 percent, why do my bills seem like they’re 10 percent higher than last year?”1 Many of us ask ourselves that question, and it illustrates the importance of understanding…
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Strategies for Managing Student Loan Debt

If college were a party, then student loans are the hangover. Unfortunately, the “hair of the dog” won’t cure this headache, but here are some ideas for managing your student loan debt. The programs listed are…
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Don’t Let Unexpected Expenses Derail Your Retirement

While it’s natural to look ahead to a leisurely retirement, it’s prudent to prepare for expenses that catch many retirees by surprise. In a recent survey, nearly one-third of retirees reported they faced at least four…
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